CH 1 PAGE 10
5 panels, 3 tiers.
Tier 1: panels 1-2
Tier 2: wide panel 3
Tier 3: panels 4-5
1-10.1 Longshot from the vantage point of the stairs leading off the portable classroom. The girls are still in position but they have turned to look towards the speaker. In the immediate foreground we see a man's leg wearing slacks and converse.
HAWTHORN: I thought I'd find you here.
1-10.2 Mid shot on a beautiful man in his mid-30s leaning over the railing and smiling beatifically.
HAWTHORN: Jane, may I speak to you for a second?
1-10.3 Jane stands up abruptly while looking over at the teacher. Nat remains kneeling. Wide panel.
JANE: Sure thing, Mr. Hawthorn.
1-10.4 Jane begins to walk up the stairs.
JANE: What's the problem?
1-10.5 Mr. Hawthorn smiles wide when Jane reaches him at the top of the stairs.
HAWTHORN: There's no problem, I'd just like to talk to you about your schoolwork. I find you to be an exceptional student in my classroom.