The children are committing crimes AGAIN! Even though it's CHRISTMAS!
CH 2 PAGE 27
4 panels and 2 tiers.
Tier 1: panel 1.
Tier 2: panel 2, panels 3+4 stacked.
2-27.1 Large panel of the front of the abandoned gas station we've seen before. The girls are laughing as they sneak their way into the papered-over busted-glass door.
2-27.2 Aerial shot of Nat closing the door and looking over at Jane who is clutching her bag of ill-gotten gains excitedly.
NAT: Did you get everything?
2-27.3 Closeup shot of Jane holding her bag open to reveal a six-pack of hard lemonades.
2-27.4 Nat fistpumps with a look of delight on her face.